The Lighting Suspension Specialists

HB Cross Kit -T-BAR 1/16” Cable

Product Overview

  • High Bay T-BAR Mounting Kit W/ Crosscable Paddle Gripper
  • 50 Lbs. Per Cable Max Weight
  • Sold as a 2-Pack for Single Fixture Mounting
  • Available in 36”, 24”, 12” 8” cross cables for many mounting surfaces

Additional information

Kit Includes

2-AC1/16-XXG HB, (Length can vary), 2-MGR-SE-TH W/XX"CAB PD (length can vary), 2-#110, 2- 89B (available in black or white), 2-CC1/4-20-M, Allen wrench (3/32")


HB-Cross-36 XXPD TB: 36” Cable with 36”, 24”, 12” or 8” cross cables for T-Bar Mounting with 2” canopy, HB-Cross-60 XXPD TB: 60” Cable with 36”, 24”, 12” or 8” cross cables for T-Bar Mounting with 2” canopy, HB-Cross-120 XXPD TB: 120” Cable with 36”, 24”, 12” or 8” cross cables for T-Bar Mounting with 2” canopy, HB-Cross-180 XXPD TB: 180” Cable with 36”, 24”, 12” or 8” cross cables for T-Bar Mounting with 2” canopy, HB-Cross-240 XXPD TB: 240” Cable with 36”, 24”, 12” or 8” cross cables for T-Bar Mounting with 2” canopy